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All listings, classified or unclassified, are accepted subject to the condition that the submitted listing & its content matter is clear and is within legally acceptable / legally allowable content on india based public web platforms and is also subject to compliance with all existing and applicable indian govt law and the listing party, by using our services, accepts the onus and responsibility to abide by the same and fully indemnify and its associates in any & all aspects related to, and that may arise, subsequent to the customer's listing on . All services, free, nominal, paid or of sponsored category, offerred at anytime, or from anywhere, or by anyone or any person on's behalf are strictly subject to the sole jurisdiction of courts that are strictly located within the geographical limits of Hyderabad City [Telangana State, India] only. reserves the right to accept / modify the type and the contents of any listings submitted by any customer to enable a better understanding of the customer's listing by any visitor to or any user of's services. also reserves the right to modify the type of listings and features offerred based on customer and user feedback and such changes / modifications shall be done by at its own discretion and own time-frames.
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